Thursday, December 16, 2010

Another Final Project

I am finally done! Let the celebration begin!!! And with finishing, I have lots of pretty final projects to show off which I know you are just dying to see. Here is the final piece for the yearbook page that I was working on of my illustration classmates.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bats Final

After many trials and tribulations and a printer that just would not cooperate (I totally blame Mercury being in retrograde), here is my second Illustration final!!! I finished the class picture assignment already, I just need to post the results. As I said before, the instructions were to make a pre-reader counting or letter book using some historical reference. I chose bats because they were my favorite thing ever as a child and Canterbury cathedral because... You know, I couldn't actually tell you how I came to that one--it just sort of happened. But I did watch The Hunchback of Notre Dame at least five times while working on this. I could probably recite the entire movie from memory at this point, I'm sure. Well, enough craziness from me, I'm off to finish my last two projects.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Busy, busy, busy!

I decided to give myself a quick break from the panic and art of finals to bring you this: my kinetic type animation! Tada! Youtube chewed up the quality a bit but it's finished!


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Excuse Me, Barmaid!

Here's another delightful final project for this semester! Eventually it will be like a closed captioning text animation if that makes any sense. Right now, I'm just working on the fancy little things to stick in there before I sync the text. What is the audio, you ask? Why, it's from How To Train Your Dragon, of course!

Love that part, haha. And here are my images so far:
I'm sure you can guess where they go.


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

More Class Pictures

Still wrestling with this project. Have seven of seventeen done. Oi... Well, enjoy!

Much tired love,

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Senshi Stock

Hark! I hast commeth across something of awesome! ...not sure why I felt the need to express that in pseudo-olde English but anyway--it is called Senshi Stock! This lovely lady and her friends take pictures of themselves in various poses for artists to use as reference photos. The extra awesome part? She has a whole gallery of Sailor Moon and other magical girl poses! I intend to use this resource a lot. As a matter of fact, I already have! Here's a sketch of one of the pictures that was inspired by Senshi Stock:

image used can be found here
(ignore the silly outfit. It was late, I don't know what I was thinking)

Then this got me to thinking: what if I took one of these pictures every day and make my own piece from it? And a personal art challenge was born! I will not be starting this until after I am through with school though, of course. Anyway, hope this was helpful!


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

1,2,3,4--4 bats!

Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Here's the final project for my other illustration class. The assignment was to make two two-page spreads for a children's counting/letter book that had to have some sort of historical context. I chose to make a counting book with bats set in Canterbury Cathedral. Here are the sketches! Excitement abound!


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Class Pictures

In one of my illustration classes this semester, our final project is to make pictures of everyone in the class and put them together in a yearbook page. The catch? It has to be all in Illustrator! This pissed me off to no unbelievable end the first few days of working in class. Not to mention that to work on this project, we're using the gorgeous Cintiq tablets in class and I couldn't help but sit there imagining all of the better uses I could be putting it to. Now I'm rather enjoying it though. Here are the fruits of my labor thus far (that I'm happy with, anyway). 15 more to go! Hoshit...



Here's a dump of some of the sketchies I've been working on (on the cintiq~). The first one is just a progress picture of one that I posted before. The second is Mako but in the way my friend plays her as a character. The last one is Lizzy playing the flute in the rose garden (inspired by the song Queen of Argyll).


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Aw, bugger...

Well, dear reader, it turns out that I have missed the kitty girl deadline. Story of my life, I suppose. I'll still finish up the girls I have going and post them within a few days as I rather liked how they turned out. I will also be contemplating a different art challenge I can put on myself over winter break. ...Any ideas?


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Neko, Neko, Cat!

So my friend Thea (you might know her better as Retrofool) introduced me to this art collaboration: Choose A Cat, Draw A Girl!! Basically, it's a bunch of cute cat-thingies and the artist has invited others to turn them into girls (though, I think I saw some boys in there too hehe) all of which will be put together at the end of two weeks. My character design senses are tingling! Really excited to embark on this project and will be shortly after finishing this post. Hopefully will have some examples up in a few days.

Love 'n Stuff,

Oh, the Geekery!

I have been playing mass amounts of BESM lately and as a result, obsessively drawing characters that my friends and I have created (and feeling like a massive dork but that's to be expected). I'm not sure how much of a good thing it is but the ammount of doodling increases proportionately with the amount of gaming in my life. Here's a sample of a few of them:

(one of mine and the most recent in creation. Her name is Elizabeth and LOVE HER!)

(worked so hard not to make him look too effiminate... ah well.)

This probably makes Lizzy look like a bit of a playa... It's a long story.

So that's that! I won't go into too much detail about the characters themselves as this is only a sketchdumb so to speak. I'll probably elaborate further in the future. Hope you enjoyed looking as much as I did drawing them!


Let's start off with a proper introduction

Hello and welcome to my umpteenth attempt at a blog! I am your host, Megan! I am a 20-year-old art student living (at home) and going to school in the lovely, drunken city of Milwaukee. I am the proud owner of two cats, a vast plethora of art supplies, a few items of foam weaponry (we'll get into that later), a handful of good friends and a rather bawdy sense of humor. I have come to this lovely internet place to share with you my art, my geekery and my musings on life. So enjoy yourselves, look around for a bit (especially at the links located to your right) and hopefully come back soon!

Love and Luck (because I'll need it to stick to this blog),